Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What can you do to help bring Endgame back?

Cast and crew of Endgame
Most of us got very excited when we saw that Endgame was being given a shot on This is a chance to see more people come forward and share some truly amazing work in film. it is also a chance to see more people come forward and join the fight to see a second season...and more. There is little to criticize where Endgame is concerned. It is well written, acted and presented. It is intelligent and able to see anyone watching experience a plethora of emotions. What Endgame has accomplished, so far, is not easy. You need the right words, the right cast and the right people behind the scenes. We Endgamers know how truly special this hour of television is, we came together the day the cancellation was announced, and we have done many, many things to see our voice was heard. And, we have been heard. Our little Endgame army is growing, thanks to Hulu taking a chance. That was all we all needed. So now, we go with it.

The world of television is a fickle one. It is a world dominated by numbers- money, viewers and potential audience. While Endgame was faced against anyone in Canadian television's worst night mare, hockey, the fans were still there. They were all over the world, as well as Canada. They chose to download, risked a lot, to make sure they did not miss the latest in the world of Huxley and Balagan's superior Sherlock type skills. Now, more than before, numbers matter. They mean what doors have been opened, and what happens in that room when all is accounted for. Hulu is free to the American viewing audience, so we need to help direct people to the link for Endgame's page on there. For those who live outside of the US, it is still possible to help out, by using an IP hider. They are completely legal to use (in most countries), and actually quite handy in some lines of work. I chose to pay for and use There are plenty others out there you can use that are trustworthy, if you check a site like www.

Now you know how you can get in to add your name to the numbers, what do you do when you get there? Watching is a good place to start. You will also want to rate the show, on the title page, and rate each and every episode as it airs. Starting a dialog in the discussion forum is a great help, too. If you see someone who is not willing to give it a shot, because there is only one season, and they do not want to get hooked, well, send them the link to Bill Brioux's post where a reliable source indicates what is ahead. Now more than ever, we need people standing up, speaking out and simply enjoying the dynamic that is Endgame. It comes down to numbers as an investment, and Endgame is one of the very best investments anyone can make in the world of television. We know that, we have to make others aware.

Please, when you share links via email or Facebook or whatever means you use, add a little text. Make your people excited to want to see more. Let them know why it is important to see good, clean and brilliant television on the airwaves. Do and say whatever it is you have to, just please do it. A season two and beyond still depends on what we Endgamers have to say...even though final say is not ours. It is possible, and we can do it. Help save Endgame, it is in your hands.

Be a part of the Save Endgame campaign on Facebook.

Many, many thanks to each and every Endgamer who has kept the faith and continued to stand.



  1. Just as you stated in your letter. There is NOTHING wrong with ENDGAME !!! IT's the BEST show I have seen in years !!!! And NO CURSING is one of them !! You have a talented cast with chenistry, which is EXTREMELY difficult to find.The set design is awesome as well as photography, producers, and writers, directors. I AM totally HOOKED , Addicted to the show and WANT MORE !!!! After watching each episode, I was left with a feeling that it wasn't finished yet. And they DO that with SO many shows. Just cut the show off without any finality. But this show could go on for at least 3-4 more seasons if not more.This hsow needs to run it's course. Let the talented people get notority. God Bless you ALL from the USofA !!!

  2. FYI, the link to Facebook does not work.
